Welcome New Minister Katelyn Vardy!
Live Streaming Worship Services also available.
Please contact the office at if you would like to sign up to receive the links for the online services.
January 26th was
Minister Katelyn Vardy's Covenanting Service.
Please click here for highlights.

Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Communion: First Sunday of the Month
Music Service: Last Sunday of the Month
If you would like to receive the link to the service, contact
Archived services and bulletins are available. Catch up on any you've missed.
Welcoming Church Community​
Birchcliff Bluffs is a diverse, open, and inclusive Christian congregation seeking to make a real difference in the world seven days a week and to be a vital presence in our community. It is our hope that you will discover many possibilities here, possibilities for nurturing your own spirituality and enriching your life, as well as opportunities to serve others and the world through acts of caring, justice, and compassion. We welcome your contributions and ideas. When you visit us, you will experience a warm reception and an offer of open community. All of us are on unique spiritual journeys and we hope to support you as you make meaning in your life. Come as you are, because we encourage everyone to be who they are in this place. At Birchcliff Bluffs United Church: whoever you are, however you identify, wherever you come from, you are welcome here.

Church Calendar
See what is happening at BBUC or check for space that is available if you're planning to rent space at the church for an activity or event.