Make a Donation
Living Legacy Fund to honour long-time community volunteer
Grant Pomeroy

​After more than 50 years in Birch Cliff, long-time resident and community volunteer Grant Pomeroy has moved to Christie Gardens.
If you were touched by his life — whether through family or neighbour connections, church work, delivery of Christmas gift baskets to families on Cataraqui Crescent, co-organization and leading of teen dances, movie night at Van Del Nursing Home, Birchmount Baseball League, East York Realty Bowling League, or the Bluffs Food Bank — this is your chance to honour and say thanks to Grant.
Grant accomplished all this while raising his three children — Phil, David, and Sharon — with his late wife, Margaret.
We believe that the best gift to Grant as he moves forward in his life’s journey is to honour him with a Living Legacy that will continue his life’s passion of service to others through Birchcliff Bluffs United Church.
Please make your generous donation by cheque payable to Birchcliff Bluffs United Church, clearly marked Grant Pomeroy Living Legacy, and deliver or mail it to 33 East Road, Scarborough, ON, M1N 1Z9.
Donate online through Canada Helps - Birchcliff Bluffs United Church – Grant Pomeroy Living Legacy Fund.
Donors will receive a tax receipt.